My life in an egg cup

It was the 4th of november when it all began

The girl was only 13, she didn’t understand

She cried every night on the phone

Screaming to her mum she doesn’t want to be alone

There was nothing she could do, she had no choice

Nobody listened to her; no-one heard her voice

People started to judge her for being in care

They used to call her names, they used to stand and stare

No-one asked her if she was okay, they really didn’t care

Why was this happening to her? She thought it wasn’t fair

She missed her family and friends

She couldn’t cope, but she knew it wasn’t the end

She got used to the fact that she was staying there

Especially when she was put into long term foster care

However, it wasn’t all that bad

Things got better, times weren’t as sad

1 year later as her confidence had grown

She is now a prefect, nobody would have known

She still sees her family and friends

And she was right, it wasn’t the end

She tries her hardest in school, achieving good grades

Everyone, including herself, were surprised by the changes she’s made

Now she focuses on the future

Ignoring the past

By making good memories

And making them last


This poem packed a huge emotional punch - it was moving, dramatic and ultimately uplifting. The writer has a lovely style and I'd like to see more from them... a talent to be developed.

Cathy Cassidy