
Children in the North West and Yorkshire need loving foster families. Can you become a foster carer with your local authority and help local children achieve their ambition?  Take a look at our stories and find out more about what fostering means for children near you.

If you'd like the opportunity to chat with someone about fostering there are information events across the region. To find one near you take a look at our events page.

Kim talks about being a foster carer in our short film

Hear about being a foster carer first hand; "You can achieve what you want to achieve!

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Leona and Chris foster children with complex needs

Leona and her husband Chris have been fostering children for over eight years alongside their two birth children.

“We always knew we wanted to foster,” Leona explains. “My husband was given up for adoption as a baby and had a really positive experience. We had so much to offer and have both always loved being around children so we thought we’d give it a go.”

Both Leona and Chris’s own children and foster children have special and complex needs.

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