Gill and Roger foster teenagers

Gill and Roger are 44 and 54 years old respectively and have children who are now teenagers. They decided the time was right to share their home with other children who are in need of a safe and happy place.  They really want to do all they can to make a difference to a young person’s life, and have now been fostering for 1.5 years.

Not everything was plain sailing when their foster daughter first came to live with them, it took some time for their whole family to become accustomed to their new situation.  However, the family worked together to adjust to everyone’s needs.

Now, everyone has settled into their new routine and is very happy.  Their foster daughter is making great improvements at college, and in other areas, and at home she is always the first with a hug when anyone is upset.

She leaves little notes all over the house telling the family how much she loves them and how happy she is to be there – and they are very happy to have her as part of the family.  They are looking forward to the future, with her being placed with them permanently.